Email Directory for Escuela Popular

Email Directory for Escuela Popular

Email Directory for Escuela Popular

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Email Directory for Escuela Popular

Email Directory for Escuela Popular

escuela popular childcare

Childcare Academy

Childcare Academy

Childcare Academy

Childcare Coordinator:

Juliana Tapia

149 N. White Road, San Jose CA 95127

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 10:30 pm

Juliana Tapia, Childcare Coordinator

Escuela Popular Childcare Academy’s mission is to stimulate the different areas of a child’s development. Its curriculum was inspired by Waldorf’s pedagogy, which uses teaching methods that seek to build a balance between the children’s intellect, imagination, and will. Waldorf’s pedagogy focuses in using art and nature to help the growth of human development. The purpose is to prepare children to reach maturity in various aspects such as, laterality, balance, coordinated movement, language, emotional stability and the ability to listen to better prepare them for the academic challenges that will come in the following stages of their lives.

Based on a deep knowledge of each child’s needs and Waldorf inspired curriculum, Escuela Popular Childcare Academy welcome each child with respect, individuality, and provide a homely atmosphere conducive to their development. As a result of this educational approach we help develop adults who are self-confident, respectful, creative, full of initiative, social sensitivity, stable emotional life, and completely capable of making new contributions to society.

Kindergarten Graduation 2023